power to be podcast

My mum lived by the phrase Carpe Diem. She was a force of nature, always creating, engaging and connecting. I've never known anyone who was as unstoppable as she was. She was an artist, teacher, painter, writer, poet, world traveler and philanthropist. 

In the final days of her life, she realized that her bucket list was full and that she felt totally complete. 

Deep breath. 

This is challenging to bring up and yet I feel it's important to share. I'm moved every time I think of how complete she was before moving on. She said everything she wanted to say, did everything she wanted to do. No regrets. 

Did she have it easy? Was everything handed to her? No, not at all. In fact, her life circumstances were stacked against her. She just understood that life is to be created by her and no one else. Yet she didn't do it alone. She valued her family, community and teachers. She sought out help and the guidance to take her work to the next level.

I think of her when I feel doubt rising. I start to question my "good enoughness" and fatigue sets in. Hesitating to do something because it's not perfect becomes wasted time.

If I zoom ahead to the end of my life I want that feeling of being totally complete. I can't imagine saying "I did a few things perfectly."  

I truly understand what it feels like to be stuck, lost, or consumed by doubt. These emotions come up loud and clear the bigger the work I do. What doubt is good at is keeping me small and stalled. Doubt begets doubt. 

What works to break the doubt cycle is asking for help. 

Is there something you'd like to create? Are you wanting to do something bigger, bolder, with more impact? Do you crave doing something with a deep sense of purpose? If so, ask for help. 

My top four ways of getting help:

1. Meditate
2. Talk to God/nature/spirit
3. Call a friend 
4. Hire an expert

These practices help me navigate what's next. It's uncomfortable and exhilarating. 

If you're hesitating it's time to be in action, in a new way. Get help. Keep moving. Carpe Diem baby. This life is beautiful, live it fully. 

The world needs to hear your song, don't wait till it's perfect to put it out there. Perfect is boring ;)

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